The Beeches Writer

Based in Carshalton Beeches, Surrey, my name is Bernard Jacobs, and I am the Beeches Writer. This website showcases three of my books – The Nonsuch Poems, 168 Miles Between Stanzas (a joint collection with Philip Smith), and In Light and Shade (illustrated by Julie Curry).

There are six drop downs – Home. The Nonsuch Poems. 168 Miles Between Stanzas. In light and Shade. Poems, Stories, Guests and other Work. Contact and Purchase.

Here you can read extracts and hear me reading from my books. You can also explore my other poetry and prose, see publications I have edited and produced, and explore contributions from my writing friends. Quotations are in blue.

The site has been designed and developed by my son Peter. All the content of the site is © Bernard Jacobs.

The Nonsuch Poems

168 Miles Between Stanzas

In Light and Shade